
We are excited to let you know that the Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement (ACGB) has launched a new national online telehealth bereavement counselling service.

The Service is the first of its kind in Australia. It gives clients access to a specialist bereavement counsellor in a virtual setting, via a computer, iPhone or smart phone, or a tablet. Now, all Australians, regardless of location or circumstance, can access the Centre's services and can maintain control over the setting and context of their own counselling.

This is a pivotal initiative in leveling the playing field for people needing to access grief and bereavement counselling services right across the country and we are pleased and proud to have brought the Service to fruition.

We have included a copy of the media release HERE .

We would be very happy to have a discussion with you about this exciting new national Service in more detail, including how and why we think it will make an enormous difference to the lives of those experiencing grief and bereavement, regardless of their physical location.

Kind regards,

Christopher Hall
Chief Executive Officer
Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement